i’ve said this before and i need to say it again. i’m so pissed. he had to get a night gaurd. he has a panic lock on his bedroom door. he now looks at fans differently when he sees them multiple times. he doesn’t feel safe in his OWN home. that is making his life miserable.
invading his privacy is making his life miserable. also, those fans who were outside of his house in italy are invading his privacy. those fans that were chanting watermelon sugar outside of the gucci store were invading his privacy. the fan who camped outside of a bus station
for hours just to meet him and she isn’t even a resident there. she said some disrespectful and disgusting remarks about harry. our houses are a place of peace, a relaxing space, and it’s somewhere where you would want a bit of privacy. can you please AT LEAST give him a bit
of privacy so he can feel relaxed and comfortable in his own home. and please don’t stalk him, we don’t need another situation like last year.
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