hc that sokka made kya this necklace when she was really little because she loved hearing stories about the princess of the moon and because kya never got married she wore it in her uncles honor
don’t think about sokka visiting aang and katara on air temple island when kya is only 4 and as katara goes to check on kya at night she finds her asleep in sokkas arms, him also dozing off. don’t think about katara smiling at the image and drinking it in, reminding her of
when she would fall asleep in hakoda’s arms. don’t think about katara walking in and waking up sokka, him slowly setting a sleeping kya in her bed and kissing her forehead. don’t think about katara brushing kyas hair away from her face before blowing out the candle by her bed.
don’t think about sokka and katara walking down the dark hallway, side by side, sokkas arm around his little sisters shoulders. don’t think about them stepping outside and admiring the full moon that night. don’t think about them parting to their separate rooms. don’t think about
katara finding aang still awake in their bed, cradling a fussy tenzin. don’t think about katara and aang waking up to bumi in between them.
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