#comicsgate is a hate group. I know this because I've been chronicling them for a long time now.

Thing I have proof of (from leaders to followers of comicsgate)

-saying "make you feel good Muslims" aren't real
-saying most Muslims are terrorists
-dead naming transgender people
-purposely misgendering people
-saying transgender people are mentally ill
-saying there are only 2 genders
-making racist jokes about Chinese people
-joking about beating women
-using slurs to put down Aboriginal people in Australia
-mutilating figures of a woman they hate
-calling women ugly if they don't fit their ideals
-claiming that toxic masculinity is a good thing
-stabbing, ripping, and crunching up comics
-getting upset at the existence of LGBTQ people and claiming it is unnatural
-laughing at the idea of a gay superhero
-objectifying women
-claiming women can't write
-wanting women to die
-telling a Black man to leave America if he has a problem with racism
-using misogynistic language like c***, wahmen and whores
-calling a woman a cumdumpster
-using f****t (anti gay slur)
-calling any woman a man of they have a small chest
-promoting Joseph McCarthy as a great man
-promoting red pilling
-promoting work of notable fascists
-making sexual remarks about myself
-photoshopping women in sexually suggestive images
-using transphobic slur tr****
-making death threats
-claiming people are transgender because it is "trendy"
-making fun of Native Americans and using the term "Indian"
-angry about Muslims working at Marvel
-saying only men can make Legos
-mocking people with down's syndrome
-using the r-word
-saying illegal immigrants are sociopaths
-claiming rape culture isn't real
-saying if it isn't rape it is a "minor incident"
-using "autistic" as an insult
-claiming Mexican concentration camps are justified
-claiming people who don't speak English have a right to be beat by police
-saying transgender people are at fault for their own suicide rates
-making fun of suffering cancer
There is way more but this list gives some specific examples of hate.

I have video and screenshot evidence of ALL OF THIS. It's all been available for the public.

Comicsgate is a hate group!
You can follow @SjwSpiderman.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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