Cheers and congrats to all the winners! Hugs and beaming to all my fellow nominees! I fucking hate that your glory was cut up by the whiny little death-rattles of egotistic old white men who flail, pathetically, in their refusal to admit that they are HISTORY!
Y’all think you can cram a dead white fascist’s name twice into every sentence and not even mention the fact that we CHANGED THE AWARD’S NAME to rid it of his taint? Stand before a ballot full of the kinds of people your fascist darling tried to bury, and call him “the greatest”?
Well guess what, you dusty, bloviated old windsacks. We just gave a woman of color a goddamn deserved Hugo for laying your fascist hero’s pimply ass bare in her ACCEPTANCE SPEECH for another Hugo.

You and your white darlings are done. Fuck off. We’re going to bury you.
And then she cut you to the bone and spoke of fire and revolution in words more beautiful than your rambling, mastubatory, penis-joke-laced gurgles could ever be, and every person watching saw that she was the future and you were whey and dust
You call yourselves science fiction writers, but can’t envision the barest vestige of a future that isn’t wrapped around your crusty white cock. You pissed all over my first Hugo nomination in your feeble, dewy, scrabbles to cling to power, and I will never fucking forgive you.
You’re pathetic. I’d feel sorry for you if you weren’t still trying to step on the necks of me and mine.

I saw the future today, and it was queer and brown and Black and compassionate and clear-eyed and incandescent, and your blunted yammerings were an embarrassment in contrast
40 mins later & still steaming think you know spite? All you know is whiny & petty. I’ll show you SPITE. I’ll tear down your mausoleum legacies & spray-paint my unpronounceable name on the doors & spite-shit on your bones. I’m the future. You’re done. Die mad about it.
GOD I cannot wait to watch my beautiful talented fucking friends keep upending, rebuilding, redefining this goddamn industry in the years to come. We’re SFF writers. We imagine better worlds and invent the future into truth, and I got nothing but hope and anticipation for us all.
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