Yeah but you know what?... Way too tepid & decades too late. This family has made billions for each of them on vomitous bile, slander, lies, hate-stoking, racist, misogynistic & anti-American propaganda to manipulate white working class Americans so that they don’t realize how...
totally they are being screwed and laughed at by the plutocracy that Fox was really built to defend the interests of. And James Murdoch was head of the News of the World when they illegally hacked a dead girl’s phone (along with many others) and he sat in front of Parliament...
and lied through his teeth about the whole affair. Now he wants an exit ramp back into grace & resigning from the most damaging propaganda machine ever deployed against human interest and wearing some open collar plaid shirts & pretending to care about the environment...
Is supposed to make us embrace him as a progressive resistance fighter? Sorry...hard no. That’s like Eichmann saying he was more progressive than Goebbels because he ‘moved to Argentina’. Give away your billions & write a book that really tells the truth about the cynicism
of that whole enterprise, work to actually dismantle it by revealing the deep truth of it...then let’s talk. @JuddApatow has been banging this drum loudly & it’s time more in our industry followed suit & called it out because they show up at our parties & act like it’s all...
a big joke & we’re supposed to admire their business savvy. Fuck that. You paved the way for fascism to take root in the United States of America. That’s your legacy. Live with it. @ProjectLincoln @SteveSchmidtSES , other former GOP faithfuls who are working with real focus
to repair the damage done to our Republic by these cynical clowns, back me up here. We need ethical conservatives helping their own constituency grow a spine when it comes to calling out this family that never even believed it’s own product. Just laughed all the way to the bank
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