verlisify the asshole uploaded another video visiting dream islands and reporting star trees. yet again, i’ve watched through it and it really isn’t worth the view. here’s a small thread for what happens in the video so you don’t have to waste time watching it!
he starts off by congratulating his trash fanbase for making star trees hard to find (in dreams nonetheless, you really haven’t won loser). he goes on to say that we’re scared of him and reckons we’re, i quote, “deranged” for blocking people who report.
he continuously claims that animal crossing is a children’s game so hacking/horror is bad. here’s a hot tip: “children” shouldn’t have social media to be able to find people’s dream addresses, you realise that verlisify? time to report you for encouraging underage twitter use 💀
then he reads out an incredible tweet by @/dobiesrocker (congrats bby, you roasted him good) and also reads out some other tweets by @/gaamergirl & @/ali_fredisland. apparently islands w star trees removed looks bad? dw guys they look amazing either or. he’s obviously jealous.
he then claims that @/s0lstin’s tweet about digital blackface is racist...? goes to show that he’s the deranged one.
next he reads out tweets by @/_celestialbee and @/honeycrossing talking about how they’ve taken down their dream addresses. he tries to visit @/gee_acnh’s account to find her dream address and report her island but he’s blocked (well done mate 💛).
next he reads @/windfallisle’s tweet telling people to unfollow if they report and calls her crazy (you’re not bby, again, well done.) to that sentiment, if anyone follows me who reports people for star trees and horror themes, please leave :)
he shows @/beatrizcrossing’s tweet telling people to report his channel (please do!) & discusses people goading him to report them in his comments. he was too late to visit jude law’s island ;D then he basically says we “can’t even follow our own beliefs when we take them down”
after that he goes on a few searches for star tree islands, and fails because the users he is searching for have removed their dream or star trees. he targets @/LoBellsACNH for saying reporting is not meant for hacking & @/teenycrossing for having an area that ‘looks suspicious’.
he reads @/academiczombie’s tweet and claims that advertising is bad because it might lead children to your social media. again, children a) shouldn’t be on social media & b) therefore shouldn’t be able to visit dream islands in the FIRST PLACE! that’s a rule breach verlisify.
reminder that most social medias dictate that children are not allowed on their apps, so he is being a hypocrite - big time. facebook, twitter, instagram, and youtube are all 13+.
next he reads a tweet from @/FernwehIsland and acts very salty when he realises it is about him. he has a similar reaction to seeing people post his face. this is what he looks like btw đŸ€ą there’s no wonder he doesn’t make videos with his face in.
he also goes to @/Kitten_AC’s island and reports it (i’m sorry if i am breaking this to you, i hope someone’s informed you :”o)
after that, he goes through @/acnhmaplecove’s tweets defending those of us with star trees and also reads @/Mimiki_miki’s tweets along the way. he calls out breanna for asking for dream codes in dms. he claims that his fan base is “shutting [islands w hacked items] down”.
apparently we’re snowflakes and aren’t special because we’ve found loopholes in his plan. admit it verlisify, you’ve failed.
we’re also supposedly ‘bullying’ reporters LMAO & he again reiterates that horror islands should be reported bc of kids. yet again, if you don’t like it leave & again, kids shouldn’t be visiting dream islands anyway! nintendo says parents should monitor kids for appropriate play.
he then tries finding more islands to report but doesn’t do very well. he visits one island with no h*cked items and gives it his ‘seal of approval’. there’s nothing wrong w normal islands btw! he only finds one star tree island, @/Michelle_Love22’s :”( sorry b
for some reason he claims that giveaways are bad too? even though it’s totally possible to make giveaways without hacking anything?
next, he reads a tweet by @/airimochaa ft new leaf towns & making fun of people who’re reporting (well done bby!) & also goes through @/yuecrossing’s tweets bc apparently they started the “witch-hunting”. he shows nintendo’s email to @/anon_vegan & seems sad he didn’t report them
he talks about being excited when he finds islands with star trees because it’s like shiny hunting. this really shows what a sad individual he is. getting enjoyment out of people’s sadness, what the fuck? sucker also has cockroaches in his ugly house.
he next finds @/tamzinhorizons’s island and unfortunately manages to report it – another reminder to either share your code privately with those you trust, or replace your star trees with normal ones in the dream. please stay safe and protect your account.
he tries to report more people (@/hobeecrossing and @/SerenitysStar) but their islands have already been closed. he disagrees with ingrid’s tweet and says it’s a lie, claiming that islands who had star trees before look bad without.
and that’s the end of the video! i spent an hour writing this thread so i hope you guys read it and don’t give that dickhead any more views! đŸ„ș the moral of the story is don’t be an asshole and let people live. fuck verlisify.
also, if i mentioned you in this thread and you want me to remove your name, let me know! i’m trying to alert everyone to being mentioned in his video in case they come for you, and i’m so sorry to those who he has targeted and reported :( this whole situation is so ugly.
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