Weird Thread: I’ve been working 10 hours days and coming home to workout for an hour in my home gym I built (Luckily before Covid and the price of equipment skyrocketed). Lifting to the point of failure. Don’t rely on a workout partner. Seriously FUCK a workout partner. You just-
end up being dependent on them and use them as an excuse to not workout when they bail. All my past workout buddies have sucked. 99% of people are shitty and unreliable. Workout/lift for at least an hour or until failure. Never less than an hour is my rule now. Incorporate abs -
- every workout. Incorporate legs at least every other workout. I’ve always had naturally jacked looking legs, so I used to neglect leg workouts a lot. Then I started doing squats and realized actually how weak they were. Now they are stronger than ever. I love squats now -
and deadlifts. They boost your testosterone naturally (scientifically proven). Stop eating shitty food and processed sugar. I stopped craving it after a week. But the cravings were demonically intense at times. BLOCK THEM OUT. It will pass. Get grass fed whey protein and
vitamins/minerals. For me it’s zinc, magnesium, omega 3 fish oil, vitamin D, and collagen. Almond milk (NO SUGAR ADDED), no dairy. Fuck dairy it will give you tits as a man. Drink a protein shake every morning with half almond milk half water. Skip breakfast. -
Only eat during an 8 hour period each day (intermittent fasting). The protein shake will give you energy needed for going to work, until you eat lunch. No fast food or breads. I get tropical smoothie a lot now. The bowls are healthy if you customize the options via the app -
(No croutons, cheese, and especially no sugar added if you get a smoothie) they are naturally sweet from the fruits. This is the only “sugar” you’re allowed to have. If you can’t stomach just water, then get stevia sweeteners at the grocery store. I’ve heard mixed things
about stevia, but am taking my chances for now until I can stand just drinking water for every meal. GET SLEEP. If you work 10 hours then come home and high intensity workout followed by shower then dinner, you’ll fall right asleep. No time for video games or porn. 7 hrs minimum,
but preferably 8 or more if you worked out hard. ELEVATE YOUR FEET WITH A PILLOW. This probably sounds stupid as fuck to you, but it helps with blood flow and you will sleep better. Try it for a week and you won’t go back... Why do you think expensive ass mechanical beds
always elevate your feet? Because it’s proven to help with sleep. TOXIC FRIENDS: fuck them. I would rather be a fit loner than a unhealthy simp for friends in this pathetic society we’ve inherited. Normies will only drain you and kill your time. I have core friends, but they
aren’t “my world.” Social circles are just weakness unless it promotes family or ideals you believe in. Start realizing the world around you is total shit and the only thing you can improve is yourself. Don’t rely on others. Don’t drink every day if you can stand it. I never
had a problem with drinking, but I’ve always loved weed. However I use it almost medicinally now. It comes from legal states where I know it’s cultivated right. Don’t use it every day though. It will kill your motivation to workout. If you have to do it every day, do it after
a workout and shower. You feel like you deserved it and will feel better about it. If you have to game, limit it to an hour. This is my rule now. Works fine. Never simp for women. Tell them the truth of what you believe cooly like Steve McQueen would. Don’t be a sperg about it.
Be more like Steve McQueen, badass, Christian, and not giving a fuck what others think. You don’t have to be a pussy to believe in God. He rewards strength and perseverance more than meekness I believe.
I believe we are entering dark times and we need to be as physically and mentally fit as possible to survive. It’s easy to be depressed and feel sorry for yourself, but if you improve your health and fitness and eat right, then your mental health will follow.
Expansion Pack:
WHAT TO EAT because I believe it is the most important in this scheme. No.1 rule is avoid sugar. Start looking at ingredients of everything you get at the grocery store. Go for low sugar per serving. Think 2-4 grams sugar per serving in the high range -
because in reality you will likely eat eat 3 servings as they are portioned small to appear less unhealthy (Marketing 101). Zero sugar ideally. I hate grocery shopping, but I’ve found going 2 times a week is sufficient to not really have to eat out. -
When I do have to eat out, I’ll get the healthiest option available and do something like a salad with grilled chicken (no croutons or cheese, and go light on dressing) or Tropical Smoothie app (mentioned earlier in thread). It sounds weird, but the hardest part about doing this
- convincing myself that I wouldn’t “starve” if I ate the same shit as I had always done. It’s bullshit, block it out. Your body will be just as nourished if you eat 6 hard boiled eggs and an orange as it would be if you got Chik-Fil-A. You will realize this the more you do it,
and begin to appreciate healthy food for the FUEL it provides and not the TASTE. BIG CORPORATE marketing machines are designed to get you addicted to the TASTE of food, not its BENEFITS. They want you buying 24 packs of coke every week and getting self-inflicted diabetes at 37. -
You will get what I consider the WARRIOR mentality when you reach a certain level of your genetic potential. If God didn’t want us strong, he would have made stuff like weight lifting useless for health benefits, but it’s the complete opposite. You are supposed to unlock your -
ancient tribal warrior spirit, and combine it with the benefit of having 20th century technology and understanding. Imagine how much of a threat this poses to the NWO, which is why they fear spiritual awakening and want you jerking off to porn and watching Marvel instead of -
realizing your true potential as an active player on the world stage instead of a “consumer.” REJECT their shit foods. I was always bordering on a dad-bod or linebacker body frame, but earlier this year I said fuck that! I don’t want to just accept this as fate. I’m going to
unlock that ancient warrior spirit that got me here and not be a blissful fuck floating through life while our world leaders rape kids. Not to mention you save a lot of money if you eat healthier. Keep it simple. Boiled eggs, baked chicken breasts for protein. Then oranges,
bananas, carrots, strawberries for smoothies. Get a blender for $40 bucks. It’s worth it. For me personally it is time consuming and a pain to eat a small amount of every food, but I can throw it in a blender and it’s delicious. DON’T GET ANYTHING WITH SOY is also crucial to
avoiding estrogen. Just go to the grocery store and see for yourself how hard it is to grocery shop and avoid all soy products. It’s insane! But you can do it. An older body builder once told me that pickles make great snacks as they have no calories or sugar. Peanut butter is ok
if it’s seed oil free, but it’s expensive. I use it sparingly in banana smoothies. Greek yogurt with <2 grams sugar is another secret weapon. I haven’t gotten into the beef liver phase yet, but I’m eager to try it. I don’t fully buy the whole “fruits and veggies are bad for you”
bit though, but now I truly respect anyone who is trying to be healthy and better themselves. It takes a lot of willpower and dedication.
You can follow @109to1101.
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