why is there so much pushback when Africans express opinions on how to engage with the culture / continent?
there is a tendency to infantilize and discard African thought unless it is affirming of diasporic wants and wishes.
and this is beyond today’s release.
i can understand the mystical appeal of Africa - but there is the reality of it that many of the diaspora is not concerned with.
many think they will return to Africa and live on a beautiful farm filled with sunflowers and shamans; until the lights go out in the country and you no go see nothing.
i am happy to see that so many African artists were able to work with the greatest artist in the world. I know some of them and it is a beautiful affirmation of the creativity Africa breeds.
and it’s also important to understand that some of those artists are Afropolitans and adhere as much to their Africaness as they do their economic status. They are not necessarily the pulse of the people.
this is a prime example of my position. I won’t put the good brother’s name, because I’m sure he meant well. But the idea that “we can do what we want” is the imperialist / colonialist mindset that enacts violence against the continent. it is anti - Black.
how else do you engage with Africa(ns) outside of when it is aesthetically given to you?
Shatta Wale, Blitz, Joshua Kissi, and all of the other African artists featured had amazing careers before this. Please make sure to support them afterwards.
I think labeling everything as African takes away from the regional & lived experience of the diaspora. There are somethings that are purely Southern Black, for example. They may be derivatives, but the traditions were made in the American South.
I live in New Orleans - the Blackest and most cultural city in the country. It would take away from what Black New Orleans has created to call it African. There are similarities but stark differences and that is the beauty of the diaspora.
also, not about to go back and forth with anyone who spells Africa with a k.
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