I'm not one to do this but here
Arohas pls read💜😊

A lil loooong thread.......
1. Rohas u have been working hard 4 a month. A whole month which is really admirable. This shows how determined u r😊
2. We have been able to be in 1st place till now. This is a big achievement considering tat we r up against a big fandom 💜gud job rohas.
3. They used all the dirty tricks in the book yet u smiled and spread love instead of hate. This shows tat Arohas r kind and tat they have a pretty heart. Period. Ain't no one gonna argue with me abt it.
4. Astro is proud of u. 😊Always. They love u rohas. Never 4get tat. Astro n aroha can never be apart. We r always close at heart💜💜
5. U never giv up. Till the last min u always giv it ur all. Giving up ain't in our vocabulary. We strive forward. 😁💜Thank u 4 tat.
6. We support each other durin difficult times. We r a family. The astroha family. We lean on astro 4 comfort and they do the same. THEY LOVE US ROHAS😭😭😭💜💜they really do
7. Remember the achievements we achieved this Yr. Remember how we made our cute bully binnie ugly cry on national TV. Remember them thanking us over n over again. Remember how happy we were. 13 may. Knocks 1st win🥺😊💜do u remember rohas? We can make tat happen again
8. Last Yr we won the soba award. Wasn't tat a beautiful memory 😊nunnu couldn't join them on stage. But we kno how happy he was by lookin at this pic. We can make it happen again. I kno we can. This time OT6 together 🥰
9. Remember when we got a bunch of selcas for just one day😂😂did tat motivate yall?
10. Wanna get an OT6 VLIVE? Wat do we do? Pretty sure yall kno. Arohas share the same braincells after all. 😌😉
11. Here is our happy virus who have been stealing our hearts this Yr. Tellin u to always keep smiling 😊💜
12. Nxt up our kind n caring leader jinjin who always looks over us telling us to be patient. Cux just like how the tortoise won against the hare being slow has its advantages 2😂😂😏
13. Our adorable dongminnie. Our protector. Telling us tat he misses us a lot. Also tellin us he loves us 😊💜
14. Our binnie😂tellin us to eat n exercise so we can fight bac at max energy and not be weak cux he didn't raise us tat way😂💜💜
15. MC rocky swag was introduced to us this Yr. N he fed us with a lot of cuteness🥺. He told us not to be down cux life be like tat sometimes 😂😂💜💜
16. Finally the captain of our astroha boat baby ddana🥺💜he says he's not a baby anymore. But we all kno he still is😌
17. Our hard work gave birth to all this. Hard work always pays off rohas. We continue to grow every Yr. There wud come a day where astro will be as well known as bts 💜💜💜😊😊we can make it happen. It's not impossible.
18. To end this I would like to tell u tat ur doin great rohas. Ur beautiful and hard working and outstanding. And being a part of this joyous family makes me one of the lucky ones. 😭😭💜💜I'm glad I met astro n got to kno u all. I LOVE UU. WE CAN DO THIS. FIGHTING ROHAS❤️
The dark night will end.. It will eventually leave us...
So don't cry. Believe 💜we can and we will. Besides in the end astro will always be by our side
A lil drama by binnie n ddana😂😂😂😂😂hope this cheers u a rohas. Iluufffff uuuu💜💜💜💜💜Let's be together 4rever🥺🥺🥺🥺
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