I am literally screeching with laughter, we do not deserve Lindy West
I finished THE WITCHES ARE COMING in one morning, it is a perfect book and I hate that Lindy is not my best friend, everyone go read it right now
the other best thing about this book is that my dad asked me what I was reading and I was telling him about the essay about how poorly Adam Sandler's schtick has aged and he said he had had a similar revelation recently about his former musical fave Lyle Lovett

my pops is a good
truly wild to tweet about a book by one of our most influential woman comedy writers containing entire essays about smug dudes insisting she's not funny, and then to see men in my mentions insisting she's not funny as though they're contributing anything new to the discourse
this part was also a WORD
my personal favorite Lindy moment ever was when I was in Ireland last spring with Alice and we were on a bus through the countryside and I posted a video to my story of scenery through the window and Lindy DM'd me to ask if I had noticed that there were cows fucking in it
I had not, in fact, noticed that, but Lindy's eagle eye misses nothing and she sent me a screencap and I laughed for like an hour
gentlemen, don’t be this guy

https://twitter.com/nilesgazic/status/1289496320512684034?s=21 https://twitter.com/nilesgazic/status/1289496320512684034
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