🤘🖤 WOOHOO! 🖤🤘We’re very excited to announce that all @GUNSHIPMUSIC material should now be STREAM SAFE for use on @Twitch. We hope our music helps all you talented streamers do your thing. Big love to all! #Twitch #GUNSHIP #Streaming #MusicForSteaming #StreamingMusic
2/ EXTRA INFO: We want you guys to be able to stream our material, and have pushed hard to get this far. However this is a tricky issue with large companies power-playing all over the place.
3/ This current arrangement is for the foreseeable future, but we can’t guarantee what will transpire in the future given that we don’t personally control the Twitch algorithms.
4/ We also cannot control which companies do deals with other companies etc. We’ve done our tests and it currently works fine… but if anything does go squiffy then please know this: it’s not us looking at this stuff personally, or anything remotely close to that.
5/ It’s all automated algorithms and behind the scenes tech stuff at this point. Happy streaming guys! Please send us links to your streams which feature Gunship so we can check them out!
6/ Pixel art from our ‘Revel In Your Time’ music video by @GenuineHumanArt
You can follow @GUNSHIPMUSIC.
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