A quick video showing illegal (& plain ignorant) features of Northern Quarter 'pedestrianisation' according to the Equality Act 2010.

S.20(4) unlawful obstruction

S.20(3) failure to properly follow process

S.20(9) failure to correct it as soon as failure pointed out
❌ At the first crossing without ped lights, the kerb drop and tactiles on the opposite side of Lever Street are blocked

❌ Going straight on along Lever Street, to where the pedestrin lights crossing is, the dropped kerbs are blocked by benches, tables & rhinos
Disabled people with mobility issues have to either use the road or take a long diversion around the edge of Stevenson Square.

Disabled people who have high a higher risk to Covid must do the same.

Non-disabled people who want to socially distance must do the same.
When implementing these 'pedestrianisations' or (beer gardenisation as more aptly described by @skylinermcr) @ManCityCouncil did not do an equality impact assessment. They also did not consult with the disability design reference group.
@ManCityCouncil were informed 2 weeks ago that what is currently in place is illegal.

I shall get the process going for a legal challenge using the Equality Act 2010 on Monday. Which I will win 👏👏👏

Alternatively you could just fix it over the weekend.
You can follow @harrielspencer.
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