Spotify never acknowledges how profoundly it's already impacted how music is created/released, from writing songs with "playlistability" to releasing singles instead of full projects to please the algorithm. Let alone how they inpenetrably gatekeep artists from their audiences.
Ek calling artists/songwriters' advocacy for better royalty rates a "narrative fallacy"... him saying, “I feel, really, that the ones that aren’t doing well in streaming are predominantly people who want to release music the way it used to be released"...
it makes me so angry. I think about the money and time and labor and brilliance artists put into their work to make it fit *especially for Spotify performance*. and for Ek to profess that the platform is benign and just, that *we're the ones* that need to get with the times.
this is a larger issue with tech presuming they're inherently benevolent when indeed they are highly exploitative of our intellectual property and our audiences. they inhibit and flatten our growth and provide precious few benefits outside of their platform. we're being gaslit.
anyway you all should follow and read @cheriehu42's work!!
You can follow @holliswongwear.
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