Sustainable sexism - a thread...
My 10yo daughter needed shoes. In the sporting goods store, she asked, “Mom, why do they only have pictures of girls stretching or posing, but the boys are doing something athletic?” 🤔
Truthfully, I hadn’t noticed. So I looked around. 1/
Sure enough - another girl, posing... @SCHEELS 2/
...and another - fixing her hair... @brooksrunning 3/
...and another - just posing...?? @Nike 4/
Why is she just adjusting her hand wraps (posing), while he is kicking (active)? @Everlast_ 5/
“And these girls are just standing there, while the boys at least have a basketball?” @UnderArmour 6/
Then, while checking out, she sees a leadership wall, with pictures of the company’s managers, etc. She elbows me: “Mom look. There are only 5 girls up there. FIVE.”
Our kids are sponges. They notice. So the unconscious bias in marketing contributes to sexism ➡️ sustainable. 8/
So I told her I would speak up. @SCHEELS I’m sure your PR team thinks they know what we want to see (so we spend 💵 - I get it). But please consider what kids (esp GIRLS) want to see, too. My badass daughter can throw a spiral 🏈, serve a 🏐, drill a 🥎, 🏃‍♀️, 🏌️‍♀️, swish a 🏀... 9/
Also this week she is attending camp; dress code for ladies states “Shorts must reach the point where the fingers start with arms at side of body.”
When I read that to her she asked “how long do the boys’ shorts need to be?” 🤔😡 #doublestandard (pic of offending shorts) 10/
So, @scheels @Nike @UnderArmour @Everlast_ @ChampionUSA take note of this thread. We don’t pose in this family. We play. And I’ll role model the crap out of my life to show my daughter that girls can do anything. 💪
Consider changing your store ads. Effect change. Stop sexism.
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