So everyone in Tamilnadu has heard of Rajaji's "Kula Kalvi Thittam" and how evil the Tamil Brahmins scheme for forcing fathers occupation on Son and "denying education". This continues to be tom-tommed hard to this day. Sample this
Today if you ask anyone in TN - they will say the scheme was a "Kula Kalvi Thittam" (hereditary education scheme). But is that the truth? Lets see.
The actual name of the scheme was "Modified Scheme of Elementary Education". It was dubbed Kula Kalvi by Dravidian parties (anti tamil-brahmins) - just like they are dubbing #NEP as "Samskrita Aasirma Kalvi" today in 2020.
Post independence : The challenge was to double the student intake suddenly given limited infra. The MSEE scheme
1. applied only to rural schools
2. was primarily a shift system
3. in the afternoon - the morning shift would learn vocations
Now the Dravidians charge even today and have done for 60 years without ANY PROOF whatsoever that the scheme forced the father occuptation. What was it ? Parulekar Committee Report 1953 was an very meticulous report that went into the scheme. Here ..
The categorical "There is no compulsion that students from particular occuptional groups must be trained.." **FREEDOM IS FULLY ALLOWED** It was an excellent scheme to expose students to practical work
Recall scheme was only for Rural and ONly for 1-5 (Elementary) and did not *deny* education to non-brahmins as that actor Satyaraj and other Dravidians lie shamelessly.

The goal was to learn activities. See this.
The scheme was only intended until such time as the backup infra was built up. Instantly enrolment would have doubled due to the shift system. Remember HALF the Madras Assembly voted for the scheme - are they all Tamil Brahmins?
Now the core of the matter. Would a kid in the shift do the fathers work !! It is *POSSIBLE* - but that is hardly the issue. He still gets full education, the scenario in those day was delinquent/dropout - where kid pulled out to help father. This is a nonsense allegation.
A grand example : A lie must be nipped in the bud or it acquires monstrous proportions. Also exposes a strange pathology in Tamil society a callous disregard for Truth seeking. Something that is disturbing.. /end
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