Thought about it & decided that I’m cool with living in the era of #CancelCulture over the previous eras of #DontAskDontTell and #AwHoneyWhoWillBelieveYou.

If I have to lose a couple comedians that made me laugh one time along the way, so be it. #BryanCallen #ChrisDelia #ByeGuys
The amount of people who have a misunderstanding of who the victims are here is staggering. Who do you think has been getting the shit end of the stick in he-said-she-saids for all of time? You know it was always the women, right? What were they wearing? How much did they drink?
People act like “cancel culture” is heretical because it often comes for men who deny the accusations. Men have ALWAYS denied the accusations. “It was consensual” has been screamed from courtrooms regardless of the victim’s age or sexuality or marital status or ANYTHING.
If only people had been as upset about all of that through all of time. But, just wait until a shitty public persona is accused of something and watch the people fall over themselves to defend them in abstensia. It’s super pathetic and just recommits me to my original position.
GTFO of here with your tiny, white, meninist violins.
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