I don't know who needs to hear this but:

Landlord can't pay mortgage on second property ➡️ lose their investment, which they made knowing risks. *Still have a place to live.*

Renter can't pay rent ➡️ *becomes homeless during a pandemic.*

When you hear about protests against evictions and your first instinct is "but what about the landlords?" your priorities are disturbingly out of whack.

This is a human rights issue. Profits from hoarding housing are not morally equivalent to having a roof over one's head.
Property owners should absolutely be picketing the banks, sure. But instead, they're taking their tenants to court so they can put them out on the street, so that's where the activism is going to happen.

If landlords want solidarity against the banks, they have to show it first.
So many "this tweet is from an account you muted" replies on this lmaooooo
If my landlord is actively trying to evict me, they are not my comrade. They are my oppressor.

If my landlord tells me "hey, I won't charge you rent right now but please help me fight the bank about this mortgage," then sure, absolutely. But they're not. https://twitter.com/UCanRollWithUs/status/1289178886744375296?s=19
The number of people gleefully skipping past the part where I said "second property" in order to try to proletarian-wash parasitic landlords as poor working stiffs exploited by the banks is too damn high
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