🚨How to Start a New Life🚨


The ONE Mindset that's holding you back and stopping you from living the life you've always wanted

and EXACTLY how you can overcome this toxic mindset


“What’s past is prologue,” is the mantra of the West.

Your past determines your future.

Who you are now is a product of who you were or what you’ve done.

In. The. Past.

Don't believe me?

Try this test 👇
Next time someone tells you about their life and their problems...

Respond with "Ok. Now what?"

"I was bullied when I was a child."

Now what?

"People don't see me for who I really am."

Now what?

"I'm a victim"

Now what?

Watch how angry people get when you...
respond with "now what?", "And?" and "So what?"


A future-minded person would say "You're right. My life is not what I want it to be and I need to focus on what I can do to change that."

But this is RARELY the response.

Why is this?

Because the past is familiar and what's familiar is comforting

People don't fear the future. They fear the uncertainty of the future.

#1 Fear BEYOND that of death itself?

Public speaking.

People aren't scared of public speaking itself.

They are scared of what *may* happen
People don’t fear death, they fear what happens when they die.

"The unknown is seen as more dangerous than the known, and thus people choose to be miserable rather than begin anew, because nothing is as unknown as the new." - @cernovich

☝ helps us unlock the secret to...
starting a new life.

Ask "How much better would you be if you practiced a new skill daily for 1 year? Would you be 10 times better? Twenty?"

Truth - You would be IMMEASURABLY better. A complete and total transformation.

Which raises the next question...
If daily practice was so transformative, why aren't more people doing it?


Most people are unwilling to feel stupid endure the uncertainty that comes with repeated failures on the path to self-mastery.

People stop at mediocre because just like their past...
mediocre is familiar and comfortable.

Here's the secret: YOU have the power to define your identity. You don't have to hold onto that identity given to you by your past.

Identity is the story of yourself.

"I am a..." precedes a story about yourself and each time you...
say "I am a..." you are retelling a story about yourself to yourself.

We do this constantly in our minds.

“I’m just not the type of person that…” = you’ve created an identity based around the story of a risk-averse person.

What if you could change that story?

How different would your life be?

Mike Tyson redefined his identity.

He went from heavyweight champion, to convicted felon, to modern day warrior philosopher, and now about to headline a PPV again.

"I think about the future" - Mike Tyson

Once you redefine your identity
next question is "How do you start a new life?"

You start a new life by doing something else. Simple to understand but hard to live.

Don't believe me?

Tell people you are going to take a masterclass at "Life"

Watch the negative reactions


Life is HARD, and yet if someone wants to learn more about life it's considered "weird".

But if you want to intoxicate yourself with excessive drinking on a Friday night, it's considered "normal".

How TF does that make any sense?

This week I spent $99 on a writing course...
recommended to me by a Twitter friend with an anon account.

If I told my IRL friends this, I would get laughed at.

"Why would you do that?"

Because how else will I improve my writing skills faster?

Why aren't more people taking steps to improve their life?

Because they are scared of the unknown. Scared of looking and feeling stupid.

Is humanity’s greatest fear the unknown or the fear of looking stupid?

If you want a new life, you've got to be comfortable with facing both.

When things are going tough...
just tell yourself

"this is practice for something greater."

If you want a new life,

ask yourself

"What stories are you telling yourself about yourself?"

"How can you change these stories?"


In that order.

You can follow @waronweakness.
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