With a M-1928 haversack and the older Brodie style helmet, this GI in training in 1941 looks like he belongs in a different era. What really stands out though is the Blue Denim Work Uniform being worn by the soldier.
The Blue Denim Work Uniform, issued in its original version in 1919, was officially replaced in 1938 by the introduction of the M1938 Herringbone Twill (HBT) one piece coverall. Here we see a group of GI’s queuing up for chow with one fellow still in denims.
The Blue Denim Work Uniform continued to be issued until stocks were work out, along with the M1937 “Daisy Mae” hat. As the army prepared for war in 1940-41, a mixture of styles, some dating back to WWI, continued to be issued.
In this final photo, we can see a healthy mixture of Blue Denim, HBT, and even service dress being worn. The old-style campaign hat seen here continued to be issued until stocks were exhausted in 1942.
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