it’s the last day of #BIPOCMentalHealthMonth 🌈

did u know asian americans are at least 3 times less likely to seek mental health services than white people are (source: APA)

here are some reminders for children of immigrants (esp asian) that help me a lot 💜
most of these are conceptualized by @SahajKohli follow her she’s so cool! 💜
we can recognize & be appreciative of our parents’ immigrant journey AND believe our parents don’t always know what’s best for us
by moving to a foreign country, our parents have given us the freedom — & burden — to break generational cycles. it’s ok to struggle. there is no roadmap. you’re doing great.
my whole life, succeeding was an expectation, not an achievement. there wasn’t any time nor space to fail. i wish i had known to celebrate my wins — no matter how small.
forgive yourself for what you may have said or done out of survival. [this resonates deeply for closeted LGBTQIA+]
the fact that you felt shame & resentment towards your parents’ “unAmericanness” will be the very thing you’ll feel ashamed about for years to come. but i know you are doing the best you can. so are they.
you watched your parents chase security & safety in this country, so you may avoid taking chances / pursuing unconventional paths even if they‘d make you happy / live authentically. [this is why i denied my queerness as a teen] remember, you‘re allowed to find happiness.
you fear your wholeness being rejected. by both your asian community & american community. remember that you are enough & whole.
You can follow @hobis_pouch.
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