Why you shouldn’t eat at restaurants during covid-19: A thread by a host
1. You put yourself at unnecessary risk of contracting covid-19. We sanitize as often as we can, but you still take your mask off to eat around strangers and you don’t know where they have been or who they have been in contact with.
2. You put employees at risk for getting sick. Yes we wear a mask, but we are there to serve you and have families and friends we are afraid to be around now because we don’t know how long ago we came in contact with someone or if we are infected until it’s too late.
3. You are literally using silverware, plates, and glasses used by other individuals prior and yes all of these items get washed and sanitized but there are several hands that touch these items before they get to you.
4. There is a RIDICULOUS amount of plastic wasted when we serve you. We change our gloves at least 15 times during a shift for a single employee at one restaurant. If you don’t care about getting others sick maybe you care about our environment.
5. Takeout is available everywhere and is a much safer option. Especially right now in the summertime with only patio seating available (at least in CA), why sit in the heat for 1 1/2 hours when you can eat safely in the comfort of your home?
It just blows my mind that people find a need to eat in a restaurant during these times. Reconsider your actions before going out to eat and if you choose to still go, please at least tip your servers because they are putting themselves at risk everyday just to make you happy.
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