There's an inherent flaw in gaming systems - they are written by abled people who determine disability to only be a negative or a penalty. They neglect to notice that this system doesn't reflect disability. When you are disabled, your body learns to compensate.
For example,- 1/6
being paralysed from the waist down: one can't walk, and typically the leg muscles atrophy. However, if this person uses a push rim wheelchair then they will have good upper body strength (look at wheelchair Olympians for proof). Another example are disabled painters,- 2/6
paralysed from the neck down. They can't use their hands but they can use their mouths to paint beautiful pieces of art.
The body compensates. We live *with* our disability, it is a part of us. Disabled folks still go about their daily lives, have jobs, enjoy hobbies, are- 3/6
professionals in their fields of study, etc.
This is why the 'take a negative' system doesn't work. It devalues our lives and deems us and characters like us as 'less' than the abled folks and characters. Disability is far more complex than abled folks realise. It isn't- 4/6
clean cut, it's not black and white.
It's why disabled folks should be hired and paid by ttrpgs companies so that these outdated, ableist, and wrong systems can be torn out and remade into something that better reflects disabled folks' experiences.
We can *do things*, we- 5/6
*have lives*. Our disabilities are a part of us, we don't get to turn them on or off, none of it is clean cut. We need more disabled folks working in the ttrpg spheres and getting paid to fix these wrongs.
My disability is not a 'negative', 'flaw' nor a 'penalty'.
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