Dear #Saskatchewan,

Time is of the essence in containing #COVID19SK, esp. when our epidemic “curve” is no longer flat. The Effective Reproductive Number “R(t)” is now 2.2❗️

Pls add measures to control #aerosols transmission & #Mask4All indoors in areas w/ active transmissions.
A major paradigm-shift is required by Public Health/IDs/IP&C at this time to implement effective containment measures to slow the exponential spread of #COVID19SK.

ie. recognition of short-range “airborne” spread by “aerosols” & the relevant roles of face mask 😷 + ventilations.
Direct link to Environmental/Occupational Health Prof. Don Milton’s open-access article, referenced in Zeynep Tufekci’s @zeynep excellent piece for @TheAtlantic
Though targeting IP&C in healthcare settings, the new lit review article by Dr. Kevin Fennelly for @LancetRespirMed is equally important.

Dr. Fennelly speaks directly to a medical audience as a physician who has studied tuberculosis for over 20yrs.
Impt to note:

#PhysicalDistancing is still an effective measure to reduce exposures to SARS-CoV-2 virus 🦠

But on its own, staying > 2m/6ft apart in High Risk settings (Close contact, Crowds, Closed space) is not adequate to stop COVID-19.

Image from cited Lancet review ⤴️
Medscape article by Prof. @jljcolorado

Assumptions underlying the FALSE dichotomy of “droplet vs. aerosol” paradigm led to the FALSE belief that #SARSCoV2 🦠 cannot be found encapsulated in #aerosols or “droplets” that are “airborne” for min to hours.
My attempt at summarizing the science re: RISK of over-reliance on #PhysicalDistancing (assumption: #SARSCoV2 not transmitted by #aerosols that can be inhaled at distance > 1-2m away from source) while ignoring roles of 😷 & ventilation.

Thx @sammaciag!
I missed the updates from yesterday. Thx to @CPraillGlobal & @MickeyDjuric for flagging this.

R(t) value of #COVID19SK is ⬆️:

R(t) = 2.2
(July 27 estimate for Sask overall; SHA memo via @CBCSask)

R(t) = 2.9❗️
(July 29 estimate for Sask overall; Chief MHO at media update)
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