Look, I don't want to sound like a jerk here, but I have an issue and I think other authors have this too and just don't want to be the one to say it. So I will.

If you don't read incomplete fics, that's fine. I get it. Do whatever you want. But DON'T comment on a fic telling +
the writer to keep updating so you can read. That is literally so fucking rude. Even if you add like, "No pressure". Because we both know that's disingenuous. You aren't really saying no pressure. You are saying FULL PRESSURE and trying to make it seem like you're totally cool +
and not nagging at FREE content providers to give you more just so you can read.

Either read it ongoing or shut the fuck up until it's complete.

We've all filtered for complete fics before on AO3 and that's fine. It's totally cool. I understand not wanting to read +
something that's incomplete. But DO NOT go into a work in progress and comment that you can't wait to read. Do you know how shitty that makes a writer feel? Like even if you don't mean it that way, it makes you feel like your stories aren't good enough to read ongoing. I don't +
care what your original intention was. Stop. Stop doing that.

Secondly, if someone posts and idea that you aren't into, you don't have to say anything. Even if you like the author, you can just keep it moving. Yesterday I posted a clip of a WIP I'm working on with a threesome +
and I ended up deleting the post because half the comments were just people saying they wouldn't read it.

Fine. Don't read it. That's absolutely fine, but DON'T comment about how you aren't going to read on a post that the fucking author is tagged in? Use common +
sense and decency. Seriously.

I honestly feel like I update more than anyone else I know of and my updates have a lot of effort put into them.

I do this for free while working full time and being married and I still give you guys so much of my time. But I need you to +
understand that these things honestly come across so harsh and hurtful.

No author who is posting free work owes you anything, so please stop. If you don't want to read incomplete fics, then I have like 20 complete fics. Or just wait. If you don't want to read a story of mine,
that's perfectly fine, but you can just not read. You don't have to have that conversation under MY post where I am tagged the whole time.

So, just please, PLEASE think before you send something to a fanfic author. We are all doing our best and not everything will be to your +
taste, but you don't have to be negative to them.

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