#FullMoon in #Aquarius messages for the collective 🚀🌈💫🦋
What are we healing
What should we release
What are the angel messges
What archetype are we visiting
What is the love message
What is the relationship message
What is the closing message
The first question I asked for the collective is what are we healing?
I received victim consciousness. This year in particular it’s very easy for us to fall into victim consciousness the whole year is set up to keep us in a victim/savior dynamic or in survival mode
2020 is threatening our root chakra by threatening our safety and basic needs concepts, our throat chakra by attempting to silence and censor us and it’s pulling on our crown chakra by flooding us with fear paradigms that try to disconnect you from higher levels of consciousness
When we are healing our victim consciousness we stop asking why me? Why me? Why did this happen to me? How could this happen to me? We have all been there. It’s not about what happened to you it’s about asking OK now what am I going to do from here
We begin to step out of victim consciousness when we ask ourselves OK that happened now what am I going to do. What am I going to create from here on out? What reality do I choose to put my energy into?
I have not invested a single amount of energy into Covid. Does that mean I’m not aware of course not. I am in NYC I know many people that died at work I know many people that have had it but it’s not a reality construct I wish to participate in it’s not a place I put my energy
When I look at my calendar for work I have a hotel with 1000 rooms well into next year I have only 7 rooms sold am I buying into the construct that I’m not going to have a job? Hell no. If it’s not this job will be something better
Watch the reality you are feeding.
Watch the reality you are creating
Watch the paradigms you are participating in. And say no to victim consciousness. Start telling yourself I’m going to get through this I am going to beat this I’m going to be OK no matter what happens
The next card was perfect I asked what are we releasing & it says surrender outdated beliefs about yourself! Whenever Uranus transits the sun/moon/mercury for me it’s a “woke” Transit. And Uranus is squaring the sun & moon advising us to shake out old outworn ways of existing
You have to be OK with allowing friends to fall off & relationships to fall off you cannot fear losing people so much that you hold onto the old version of yourself. We are being called to release limiting beliefs we have about ourselves
The next message was what do the angels want us to know: “if you get nervous focus on service”. In times when you are triggered or nervous or upset get in the habit of asking yourself what do you need in this moment? Maybe you need your own comfort. Your own love or a damn nap!
The card itself says how can I make the world a better place? I am in DBT therapy for the last year and one of the ways they teach us to manage our distress is by contributing something to the world or to our community
Aquarius is a sign of the collective it rules the 11th house of groups and friendships so this Full Moon is highlighting people other than ourselves. So if you are feeling anxious instead of asking what can I receive in this moment ask what can I give
The next message I asked was what is the archetype currently playing out for the collective and how beautiful it was the liberator!!!!!! This card says releasing outmoded beliefs & the other card says release outdated beliefs. Notice a theme
I was happy to see the liberator archetype to be honest because there are a lot of negative archetypes we could be playing out how beautiful we are freeing ourselves and others from old belief structures.
Aquarius is a sign that is related to the future it’s a futuristic sign; a lot of times people with personal planets in Aquarius do not fit in because they are ahead of society they are the messenger that enlightens us with their knowledge. They are the final in the air trinity
The next message I asked was what does spirit want us to know about love. I received playfulness The sun is still in Leo & Leo rules the 5th house the house of pleasure. Love should lighten us up it shouldn’t be a heavy load to carry. It shouldn’t feel like a burden or oppressive
We are moving through all these harsh energies & releasing outdated beliefs about ourselves, we’re healing our victim consciousness & reclaiming our power, we’re focusing on service when our energy is nervous & liberating ourselves and others from disempowered paradigms
But at the end of the day love should be playful, love should be light we shouldn’t forget our love and light. As are moving throughout 2020 I see a lot of people living in fear consciousness and have separated from God source. Get back to play. Find your way back to the light
The next message I asked was what do we need to know about our relationships and I received a card I dread 😂😂😂 “time”. I always say you can go out and create anything but love is really on divine time. Maybe that’s my limiting belief structure I don’t know
I also thought of the quote

“ Love is not measured in time it’s measured and transformation”
The time card regarding relationships reminds us that we are eternal. It also reminds us that when we have powerful connections it is likely we have known that person from another time; another life. Energy doesn’t die it transforms
I also take the time card as a reminder to not be imprisoned by time you’ll see a lot of people that have these timelines regarding relationships: I want to be married by 30. We have dated a year we need to be engaged. I need to have kids we’ve been married two years.
Trust the timing of your life
Be present in this moment
Stop looking back and too far ahead
Be here now
And the last message was serendipity💫💫💫 Aquarius is associated with flashes of insight divine inspiration and aha moments. I think we could say these are serendipitous
When we are open to serendipity we aren’t overplanning we are open to that divine stroke of luck & that chance encounter. We aren’t micromanaging the universe & we aren’t watching the clock
The serendipity card reminds us about the power of alignment and being open to good luck and fortune. No matter how your 3D reality appears! It makes me think of the quote

“ those who don’t believe in magic will never find it” 🐰🎩✨
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