it'll soon be a year since Art. 370 was de-operationalized in a span of 15 hrs, under the longest ever communication + internet shutdown, while extralegal detentions continued without remedy.

collating some essential writing on this heartbreaking siege. feel free to add:

"The changes... have transformed the occupation, characterized by the de jure (in law) “temporary” suspension of Kashmiri sovereignty, into a permanent and irreversible annexation of its territory in law and fact."

"In “debunking” specific myths about the law in Kashmir I must confront my debilitating doubts about reinforcing a big, fat, foundational lie –that justice for Kashmiris is possible in a legal system premised in Indian law and constitutionalism ..."
Freny Manecksha on the PSA from 2016:

"It is also no secret that the police file open FIRs ... (Open FIRs are when police stations report incidents of rioting and so on, and cite “unknown persons” as the accused. This enables them to add names later.)"
@parvaizbukhari for @Adi_Magazine


"In village after village, residents narrated harrowing stories of what was done to them from the night of August 4 onward, after the total communication blackout was firmly put in place. ..."
"...Indian soldiers from the hundreds of camps that dot the rural landscape of Kashmir had repeatedly descended into villages, raiding and vandalizing homes, smashing cars, and destroying stocks of rice and pulses (sometimes even mixing in kerosene)"
"...Frightened villagers corroborated each others’ tales of torture and narrated instances of how their shrieks were broadcast over loudspeakers to terrorize entire neighborhoods. ... If their smartphones were returned, it was only after all incriminating video had been deleted."
"The siege since August 2019 has hurt us deeply. Our economy has suffered enormous losses. Start-ups died, mental health issues became widespread, scholars could not carry out their research, students couldn’t download study material..."
"No week passes without the death of yet another young Kashmiri. Every death is felt as a shared loss in Kashmir. The occupiers would prefer that we bear it silently. Yet, our existence is at stake and silence is not an option."
Sasha Bhat from Srinagar between Aug 1-16 2019.

"I watched the news and broadcasts from the central government, celebrating democracy and freedom. ...I marvelled at how a nation of a billion people can rejoice over the misery and occupation of people."
Sankarshan Thakur for the Telegraph on the complete communication shutdown:


"This was not even censorship, not about what you can or cannot report. This was being cut out and left cold."
This open letter to the UN Secretary General against the forced demographic change being executed through the new domicile law in Kashmir:

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