Seek help I’m told... but what help is there? Phone this number, go to this group, keep running, eat healthily. Are you being mindful? Are you taking your meds? What happened, what are your symptoms, what are YOU doing to make the situation worse. What can you do to fix this?
Oh you had trauma, you self harm, and you want to die? You clearly can’t regulate your emotions. Grow up, phone the Samaritans stop wasting our time it’s your choice. In hospital again you’re just taking up space. I will make sure you aren’t treated well again.
Why did you go to hospital? Do you like attention? Why did you see your GP? There is nothing wrong with you. It’s your fault that people are horrible, you have control over how people treat you stop playing the victim. Stop taking your meds they don’t help. There is no therapy
It says here your personality is disordered this means you take drugs, smoke, drink alcohol, and have reckless sex. People like you love danger. You also idealise people and devalue people. Don’t deny it we know what people like you are like. Stop crying like a baby
Crocodile tears, manipulation, you’re not in crisis. Take responsibility. Change your mind, it’s your thoughts that are wrong. Stop being you. Once you stop being you society will prefer you. Loud outspoken women from certain classes are not to be heard.
Oh you have a job. But if doesn’t allow time off for therapy. You’re treatment resistant. If you really wanted treatment you’d use your holiday. You own a car? You don’t need one of those. Rent there’s free places on Craigslist. You are making poor choices
Who am I? I used to know, but I asked for help to thrive after surviving trauma. All I got was a label, no support, and told I must be behaving in ways I wasn’t. Now I view myself through their lens. Which they use back at me to prove I have the label...
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