I'm sorry but this just makes me sick. I feel physically ill. What does it mean when we say that Trump is the head of a death cult? It means that he derives gratification from watching others sacrifice their health and even their very lives out of fealty to him.
He doesn't care if his constituents in red states die. He WANTS them to die, as the proof of his power. He can call this a hoax and tens of thousands of Americans will take him at his word, and he loves that power, and these deaths prove his power.
People of all faiths and none generally embrace an ethos that values life. It is a fundamental principle of humanity. Some people value some lives over others, which is an egregious harm. But life itself is viewed as a good, as something worth having and worth defending.
So people of all faiths and none should recognize in Donald Trump the very face of evil. This is a man who worships power, and what greater power is there in the power to command death and be obeyed. If anyone or anything can be called " Satanic," it is this wicked hateful man.
Remember Al Sharpton's eulogy for George Floyd in Houston, when he called out "wickedness in high places." He was not speaking metaphorically. Donald Trump is an avatar of pure evil. It is chilling to see him in action. God help us all.
(and by "this" In the first tweet in this thread, I mean the needless and truly sad death of Herman Cain.)
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