Aramaic, Chaldaic

"Owing to Christian censors as well as timid Jewish copyists, many of the passages originally referring to Romans, Christians, have been altered by substituting Arammi, Kuthi, Goy so that only by keen criticism their real application can be ascertained"
Similar entry for Akum. Goy
Ayin + Nonfinal Kaph + Vav + Quatation Mark + Final Mem
עכ"ום עכו"ם
Previous def was Aramai, sometimes Christians
The last part of Akum is "mozlot" plural of mozel. Meaning - Luck and lesser known meaning Zodiac sign
Mozel Tov, good luck or good zodiac/astrology

Not what you would expect to find in a Talmud dictionary.

Armilus the Christian Anti-Christ
So how did I find it if search results hidden?

By using Google search (Hebrew term + Sefaria) #SEO
To sum up the Armilus section, they mean Romulus a hint towards Rome, a cypher.

They say it clearly, review up thread if in doubt. Had read a few theories on what Armilus meant, feel like that is cleared up now. Aramai & Armilus can refer to Rome and Christians.
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