2/ The desire for success defined as being special is a real thing (I've suffered from it), and I'm completely on board with Arthur's analysis. But Aristotle's insight that humans deeply enjoy the exercise of their realized capabilities points to something different.
3/ You still may be ignoring the quotidian things that enrich satisfactions from family and community, and that's a problem. But you're enjoying the activity for itself alone, not because it's going get clicks or a booking on Meet the Press. You're really good at something, and
4/ doing that thing is the source of the high--or the flow, in Csikzentmihalyi's use of that word. It's not a trivial high. And it can be a plus, not a negative, for your spouse and children. You're a more complete version of yourself because of it. So ditch the
5/ desire to be special, which yields meager satisfactions when you achieve it, but embrace the pleasures of doing what you're good at, even if you spend more hours at it than in some sense you "should."
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