📖 Currently reading: Flowers for Algernon

Maybe I should start a Goodread account to better document and organize books I’m reading? I feel like I’m reading 10 books at once and I keep losing track of which books I’m still reading.
So far I‘m 1/3 into the book. Here are some thoughts:
It was written at the time when lobotomy was still the main way to “fix” mentally ill people. Not suggesting that has anything to do with the book, but this fact alone makes the book more... interesting
📖Currently at page 180.
Charlie’s IQ surely spikes, but at what price? He loses his “innocence” and becomes arrogant because of that. To be fair, I sympathize with him and I think it is in his rights to do so. Something about this shift screams “Ignorance is bliss” to me.
The book raises interesting questions about science vs religion/nature, ableism, and human rights.
I am about half way through give or take, but almost no one treats Charlie like a “human being”. Not even his mother or sister.
This may be farfetched, but do we even treat people we considere “normal” like human beings in our lives? Charlie’s case is quite extreme. I know for a fact that I mostly don’t have the patience to take care of a person like him. I guess we often forget we are humans, after all.
Also, IQ vs EQ. One can be smart without the same level of emotional maturity. Do we consider a person smart if he/she is “immature”? I’m not even at the end yet and I know for certain this is a good novel. It makes me think and raises questions.
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