It's so disturbing people don't teach their kids/friends the open secret that agencies like modeling, acting and such are known for prostitution and child sex trafficking. This was as well known an open secret as child abuse and sex trafficking by churches, cheerleaders, and such
Remember the cheerleader scholarships for sex trafficking scandal? My experience was that could start by middle school and high school gang leader-teachers grooming or just brutally raping girls into prostitution. They get money for it and prostitute them at political functions.
One of the political functions was the local sherriff's golf scramble. The FBI finally investigated the sherriff after he was out of office, but i can't believe it other than all political orders and permission. You only get investigations if it can fit a political purpose.
Katina Powell is the tip of the iceberg and after the cheerleader for sex scandal everyone has forgotten. When I was a kid the school board had a police department to cover up crimes. If some girl comes home every day saying she is raped, cops and admin can convince otherwise.
If you have a child that is a gymnast, you dont think professional sex traffickers haven't scouted her and at least gotten a look at a gym meet? Same goes with these gangs in school. School is more of a prison. Your kids can't leave like you could leave a job. Truancy is about $.
I usually say hospitals and healthcare are the biggest operation for embezzlement, kickbacks and money laundering. Unfortunately the schools are probably the biggest. They are essentially criminal institutions and rape farms that get paid everyday your child shows up.
We need the realization that any charity or NGO is likely a criminal organization laundering money. It was like that when I was a kid and I believe every children's charity was corrupt. Any organization with a fleet, even charity or law enforcement, seemed in the child trade.
As a kid some parents know about sexual predators hanging around parks and would protect their kids. There were parents who knew about this to help groom their kids. My mother was always interested in the park she thought had the most affluent pedophiles, Joe Creason Park.
Someone told me recently when I was growing up all the sanctioned pot was grown in the East End. The crime was sanctioned by whoever was over that area. Wonder how crime figures worked over them, but every little city seemed to have a brothel the mayor would have his police over.
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