I was around 10 when I realized that I was zoo. That was probably the hardest thing to accept. It felt like there was nobody to talk to. My family was so racist and bigoted against even gays. Telling them that I was attracted to dog penis wasn't on my to do list for a long time.
It's definitely hard to cope with if you're fighting your sexual orientation. I would cry to god and ask why, really? God, what did I do wrong to you?

Not accepting yourself becomes highly detrimental to your mental health. Coming to terms with your orientation helps a lot.
I felt so much better when I came out in College. I told my schools counselor, my doctor, some of my friends. It felt amazing and I always got hugs. Coming out as a zoo vs coming out as a homosexual isn't remotely comparable to one another.
We don't get to choose our orientations though sadly. They choose us, whether you like it or not. You're sexuality has been predetermined for you. There is no help to change that. Only counseling to help you come to terms with yourself. We have to learn to love ourselves.
thats what happened to me over time. I started learning to love myself, the way I was meant to be. I will never be ashamed for having the love of canines. You don't have to like me, you don't have to approve of me. That's fine.
I love me though and I approve of myself. #ZOOPRIDE
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