- mental health info & resources
- a thread ・:*₊‧✩
if i miss anything reply and i’ll add it to the thread. this thread has stuff for people suffering, supporting people who are suffering or just for people who want to know the signs. i’m not a professional this is just what i’ve found online. stay safe ily all.
TW // anxiety , panic attacks , anxiety attacks
TW // depression , suicide , self harm , bipolar
TW // depression
TW // suicide
when helping someone DO NOT guilt trip them ! they are more than likely dealing with enough guilt.
TW // self harm

again, don’t guilt people for doing it. also don’t think someone is attention seeking for doing it! remember aswell that self harm is more than cutting yourself. there are many different ways.
TW // eating disorder , anorexia , binge eating disorder , bullimia

another thing to be careful with is to NOT comment on people’s food, looks or weight. you never know what someone is going through. also don’t tell people suffering to ‘just eat’.
TW // DID , dissociative identity disorder , schizophrenia
TW // PTSD , post traumatic stress disorder

ptsd is not always how it’s portrayed in films. if you think you have some of the symptoms please reach out for help !
TW // abuse , abusive relationship , gaslighting

i dont know if this is classed as mental health but i want to include it incase anyone needs it.
this one is super important !! https://twitter.com/zouiamrogue/status/1275506745046073355
. https://twitter.com/sunflowerxgldn/status/1287163807895257090
. https://twitter.com/manicfolklore/status/1216148147682058240
. https://twitter.com/94SPERS0NA/status/1306292630062596096
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