🙋🏻‍♂️This is Drake ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Drake is a programmer. Drake uses Twitter, Discord, Instagram and GitHub as social platforms.

Drake is highly active on GitHub and has worked with developers from different countries and on many projects. Drake commits his code regulary and has got
several stars and forks on his projects. Drake is a very popular open source contributor.

Drake has two friends, Bill and Jack. Bill is a bit resentful by nature. Jack on the other hand, is very optimistic and rejoices Drake's success.
Bill is envious of his friend, Drake's success and starts spreading false rumors about him and talks him down so that people think less of Drake. Bill devotes most of his time thinking how he can beat Drake and become more popular. Sadly, he doesn't end up good.
However, Jack feels motivated and inspired on seeing his friend do wonderful things and works harder to become like him. He mainly competes with himself rather than thinking how he can beat Drake. He treats people around him with contentment and eventually becomes successful.
Surround yourself with people like Drake and try being like Jack. Don't let Bill take you over ever. 😄

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