Let me tell you a story about @OlumideAkpata, candidate for @NigBarAssoc president. In 2018, we had negotiated #AfCFTA & I was moving to Geneva to work with King & Spalding LLP to design Nigeria’s 1st trade remedies infrastructure to protect the economy. One evening, I got a call
Mr @OlumideAkpata , then chairman of the @nbasblofficial , had come into Abuja few days before I was to travel and wanted to speak with me. We met up. He told me, “Our conference this year is on the #AfCFTA & because you worked on it and know it, you should help with direction”
We sat in the Hotel lobby at 10pm and spoke for over 4 hours on conference topics, discussions areas, speakers, break-out sessions and the role of lawyers in the AfCFTA. For context, this was a partner in one of the most successful law firms in Nigeria and I was this young lawyer
If you came upon the conversations, you would think we were mates. No airs. No condescension. That conversation is still one of my best conversations with a senior lawyer. He ended the evening with, “you should speak at the conference”. I laughed. We ended the night.
Months later, by now I was living in Geneva. He messaged me. He had invited all the speakers I recommended eg.Dr @snkaringi (UNECA), Prof @ambFaizelIsmail (University of Cape Town) and of course my late boss, Amb Chiedu Osakwe
To my pleasant surprise, he had put my name to speak at one of the main panels of the @nbasblofficial conference on “intra-African commercial dispute resolution”, as well as a training session for young lawyers (scheduled for a day before the conference).
Two things struck me -
1. Given hierarchy in law, it’s very rare for young lawyers to get that kind of platform on pure merit.
2. He has planned a training for young lawyers (fully funded) for a day before the main conference.

That’s extremely good leadership.
Another thing to note was the foresight in planning a conversation that border on the role of business lawyers in the #AfCFTA.

Also, he backs his words with actions. After the conference, he set up a sub-committee on international trade at the @nbasblofficial
Since then, only heard of him standing up for lawyers, levelling the playing field of opportunities, being thoughtful about the welfare of other lawyers, even going beyond his comfort.

So, @OlumideAkpata thanks for all you do & wishing you success at the NBA elections tomorrow.
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