i lost my arrival au wip thread but i'm nearly done the first update and: i love them, your honor
[always sunny theme] "The Gang Quits Their Jobs to Hang Out With Aliens"
i couldn't find who the nasa astrobio department admin is for mike, the only one of them who understands the worst way to get things done is by talking to the people nominally in charge, so i named her after my english dept manager. international connie k***** fan club lives on !
ughhhh oh my goddddddd bev and eddie! bev and eddie! bev and eddie!
bev and eddie! bev and stan! bitch buddies!
i am so bad at keeping these threaded lmao sorry anyway: keatons will see any fic ever and be like is anyone else gonna make this about springsteen and not wait for an answer https://twitter.com/Iamphouse/status/1288387137616961536
every au i write will now be at least partially set in academia so i can get away with dialogue like this
the a/n will be like "please note that the author is wearing a shirt that says 'i have a complicated relationship with the authenticity of bruce springsteen's reputation as a working class hero but hungry heart still slaps'"
i decided that although i have banned myself from canon pacrim references i AM allowing myself FANON ones, which is to say: favorite pre canon newtherm backstories incomiiiiing
this fic has literally everything: pre canon newtherm dynamics, parent AND bedsharing AND fwb reddie, mike and bill going full pepe silvia on the american taxpayers dime, bruce springsteen, stan wearing knit ties, ben and eddie's running club, the star trek 4 novelization, bevkay
fucking around with time so i get to do literally every best stage of this batshit relationship at once like we're gonna get stress relief fwb, platonic bedsharing, married with kids, getting together, one night stand, lowkey rivals, getting back together, all NOW
to b clear pre canon newtherm dynamics here means "we somehow ended up writing cross disciplinary letters to each other for a while before ever meeting and then we did meet and we hated each other but maybe not maybe also we fucked who's to say", my favorite fanon subgenre
fellow 2013 pac rim stans make some noiiiiise
cannot stress enough how in love they are tho
i love he
arrival au: sci fi drama meditations on free will, humanity's place in the cosmos, the nature of time
also arrival au: eddie develops a pavlovian response to the skype incoming call noise and runs into a wall
re: two mulders making it work - letting the characters lead me where they will, i think mike's gonna do a whole thing about ley lines, so look forward to thaaat
[prince voice] i would. die 4. u. *drum machine beat* pewww
arrival au richie like
accomplishments: downplayed
tits: out
i am forcibly removed from my shell
okay okay okay, interlude tomorrow, hopefully plot update not long after. sorry it is NOT richie's tits out look but it IS the stupid springsteen praxis one, so there's that
it's never gonna come up bc this fic is not an overly visual medium but i'm about to start writing sandy and i'm trying to decide between the two foremost Can't Believe They're Not Lesbians actresses, natasha lyonne and tracie thoms
kay is already clea duvall don't even trip
fucking gator wrassling this grammar but i'm too fucking attached to this goddamn sentence to give it up goddammit
ugh turns out this thing needs a lot more work than i thought it did BUT i just found out i actually LOVE writing bill so i guess i have to deal with that now
like oh well if bill's just a weird geek i can DEFINITELY work with that. just gonna get drunk, mainline a bunch of garth marenghi, and really immerse myself in the mindset of someone who would think "actually you know what he DID make some points"
nebula award winning author and incidental camp icon bill denbrough, i care you...
[peach time voice] earnest richie time :J
i just opened my outline doc and i forgot my notes from the film are structured based on the alien franchise (the first scene with the aliens is titled "alien 1979", the next "aliens 1986", etc) and got SO confused
i have such a hard time keeping one single plot straight but the order of the alien movies? no prob
looking at the outline again it's a little over two pages, of which i've done. 6 bullet points of. strap in, babes, we're gonna be here a while !
eddie's notes redacted for plot reasons but you can really tell how my coherence & attention span has devolved over the last hour
i think i might be able to update arrival au tomorrow, but more importantly i just came up with đź‘€ a very good idea for a few later sections, including the bike night
this fic takes place in a universe where college bill sells a sf story instead of a horror one & it changes the course of the rest of his life, so he's just sitting in the background writing thinly veiled autobio short stories about the plot, and i just... i love that for him
most of this space is taken up by html stuff but jfc i've barely covered any of the plot fml
me remembering the association between "pentapods" (which i've used for bill's thinly veiled novelization) and l*lita but then remembering this is bill "if politics and stories ever become interchangeable i'll kill myself" denbrough we're talking about
me writing the musing on the nature of humanity and emotionally nuanced interpersonal relationship parts of this au vs me writing the fake science parts
(just to be clear, in the second one i'm the baby)
the person who replied "just read ted chiang's story of your life" and subsequently "or just watch arrival" on this linguistics stackexchange 3 yrs ago is my mortal enemy. everyone else on this thread is my best friend but fuck that guy https://linguistics.stackexchange.com/questions/19837/how-would-someone-begin-translating-an-unknown-language
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