why being an ot12 exo-l is stupid and idiotic because i’m sick of people pushing aside the mistreatment to fit their own agenda; a thread.
first of all, let me start with yifan. we all know this interview happened, however if you know yifan, and have watched this full interview, the interviewer was very disrespectful and pushy and made yifan feel very uncomfy, even asking about yifan’s father
let’s start back in 2013, when yifan was recording for a song. out of nowhere his files for the song were completely deleted by SM and yifan had no clue why. when he questioned SM about this, instead of giving yifan a rationalised reply, they KICKED HIM OUT OF EXO. +
+ and sent him back to canada, which is why yifan was absent for a period of time. this is especially frustrating knowing that some ot12’s choose to believe he “ran away” because this is NOT the case, and never was.
after weeks of discussions and SM asking yifan to come back, yifan decided to return to exo only to be faced with discrimination from his manager and a grueling schedule which left him on IV drops and most importantly +
+ he ended up showing signs of a potentially fatal heart condition called myocarditis. what is important to note about this condition is that, if you have it and do not rest, it can lead to heart failure aka death.
SM knew yifan was showing signs of this condition and still decided to overwork him, which is when yifan left officially. it is SICK that yifan could’ve potentially died if he had stayed in exo and exo-ls still ask for him back. do you not care for him and his health at all?
after yifan left, SM did multiple things to make him look like the bad guy, however i wont get into that now. just know they were really persistent about yifan looking like a shit person to keep up their rep. and it partially worked, because tons of fans turned against yifan.
highlights from an offical statment by kris wu studios,confirming this.
now onto luhan and tao, i’m not too sure about the details regarding their departure, but i know their leaving wasn’t as messy as yifan’s due to them informing members and company before leaving.
however what i do know, is that luhan has openly said that the chinese members were treated differently than the korean members, further proving the point that SM unfairly treated the chinese members of the group.
as for tao, we all know SM once again overworked him and did not let him rest whilst he had a bad leg injury to the point his father begged for tao to leave exo. it is that heartbreaking. after leaving, tao had to go to america for treatment due to the lack of treatment in korea.
tw blood, injury

tao’s foot after injuring it in law of the jungle, and during exo cmb promotions
i know there wasn’t too much info on tao and luhan leaving, and if i missed anything or got anything wrong please feel free to let me know! i’m soo sick of ot12’s only caring about tao, kris and luhan when it comes to exo so i made this :/ hope it helps!
wanna add this for tao!! look how bad his schedule was even though he was injured.. https://twitter.com/taovhl/status/1262864668055478278?s=21 https://twitter.com/taovhl/status/1262864668055478278
more proof the heart condition happened
OMG i forgot to add!! luhan wasn’t able to sleep because SM had him hooked on a tranquilliser because of his phobia of heights. imo, the fact that they were forcing him on planes was bad, but hooking him up to a tranquilliser is just..wow
hey i think i got this part wrong guys, sorry! here’s what happened: https://twitter.com/shuaijerks/status/1288014317627957248?s=21 https://twitter.com/shuaijerks/status/1288014317627957248
pictures of yifan at beijing fuwai hospital in the cardiology department the day he was told he had signs of myocarditis :((
translations of the lawsuit information!! https://twitter.com/shuaijerks/status/756074154588196864?s=21 https://twitter.com/shuaijerks/status/756074154588196864
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