The magic that happens in REM Sleep


I’m not a sleep doctor just a friend spreading some words.

Read at your own risk. This is not a self-improvement post.

I knew REM was cool but after doing some in-depth reading here is what I found.

This one is dedicated to @intellectiveidt

The brain has 4 cycles of sleep

N1 – N2 – N3 – REM (Rapid Eye Movement)

REM occurs every 90 minutes. Can last from 5-30 minutes.

When REM is activated the brain generates what’s called PGO waves

This occurs in an area of the brain called the Pons.

Muscle tone begins to drop to its lowest points. All muscles go offline.

This causes temporary muscle paralysis by turning off signals to neurons in the spine.

We are virtually paralyzed, so we won’t act out our dreams.

Breath and heart rate become irregular.

Brain oxygen use increases, or metabolism of brain increases by 20 percent.

The only muscles online are your eye muscles and diaphragm which is the main breathing muscle.

We see in dreams because of the brain waves that interact with parts that process visual signals.

REM causes the visual phenomenon that we experience.

This brain activity sets the stage for vivid dreaming.

Important for processing emotions and storing memories.

Also playbacks the day’s experiences so they can be processed and stored as memories.

Stress hormones are absent during REM sleep which is believed to reduces negative emotions associated with certain experiences as the brain converts them to memories.

Here's what's mind-blowing about all this.

Because of the chemistry that happens, the brain disrupts connections between areas and places them in a flexible state.

This is where connections between neurons can be more easily formed, strengthened, or weakened.

After waking from REM sleep the mind is "hyperassociative",

more primed to create ideas because of the easier access to connectivity in your memory.

People awakened from REM have performed better on tasks like anagrams and creative problem solving,

Sleep aids the process of creativity that forms associative elements into new combinations that are useful.

This occurs in REM sleep rather than Non-REM.

Hope you enjoyed friends.

Let me know what you think. 💙

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