Myself and my lady of 24 years are homeless on the streets of MA. Not even a car. We're staying at a local motel and are desperately trying to keep our room. The local shelter is a corrupt cesspool. Please help if you can. Even a Retweet can help. 
Maureen works part-time at the minimum wage, I get whatever work I can as a writer. I'm on a long wait for disability due to an extreme PTSD and anxiety disorder, as well as COPD. We pay for most things ourselves, but we are literally at a point where we will be outdoors.
The local shelter booted us after we complained to some local politicians and authorities about the human rights abuses happening there. They don't have to take anyone they don't want to. Every dime goes towards keeping our room and staying safe. 💙
Of course, there's much more to our story than can be summarized in 3 Tweets. I'm happy to answer intelligent questions from people who are honestly attempting to help. Always. But I'm finished with trolls. Automatic block.
You can follow @MaureenPiscate7.
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