Someday we will have the discussion about how maybe weed isn’t addictive chemically but it can be in a sense that a lot of people use it to numb themselves from feelings and that’s what they are always high instead of actually going through the motions of dealing with reality
I have nothing against weed. It can be a good tool for ppl but I just can’t stand people who are like “I can’t go out in public unless I smoke” “I can’t eat unless I smoke” “I just smoke when I’m stressed” like that’s fine sometimes but also like maybe raw dog a few days my dudes
A lot of people I know who smoke constantly are really depressed and I don’t think it’s that weed makes you depressed or anything. I think that constantly using escapism to avoid tough feelings makes u depressed and weed can be that escape for a lot of people. Feel shit sometimes
And this isn’t trying to be like holier than thou. Everyone has their coping mechanisms and some people do just fine using it in moderation. If it works for you than more power to ya! It’s just something I’ve noticed with people close to me.
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