1) My closest friend sent me this in our text convo this morning and I got her permission to share her insight-

United States of America 🇺🇸

My parents came to the US in the late 50’s fleeing a brutal Cuban communist regime.
2) If people think that Government run business,schools,healthcare are great, you should ask someone who fled Cuba or the Soviet Union.

My dad was a Philosophy Professor at Xavier University until he retired.
They both became US citizens and we celebrated!
3) We were raised to love God, family and country.
We worshiped every Sunday at St. Theresa & then St. Jerome.
We were taught to work hard, embraced thriftiness and follow these rules -
Be on time,be nice but not a pushover, show up, raise your hand
4) to volunteer in your community/work because any new skill will serve you in the future.

My dad worked his full time job and part time at Notre Dame and St. Joseph Seminary to provide us with the best childhood.
5) He always picked up a summer semester to pay for vacation. My mom worked in and outside the home off and on. They worked to provide a home, education, piano, ballet lessons and swim team etc
They lived the American dream!
6) When Casto came to power people thought life would improve as promised- distribution of wealth.
The country was happy with promises of free food, healthcare, education etc.

Instead, within a year, food became scarce. It was not just food-
7) everything: shoes, toothpaste, books, deodorant, cars, gasoline, comic books, toys, nails hammers etc. Store shelves were empty.
People had to form long lines for their allocated food rations.

Cuba quickly learned totalitarianism.
8) The regime’s grip was on every facet of society: politics, religion,literature, art, economy, entertainment and food.
Everything was censored. I remember hearing my family telling us that at every street block there was one official informer and
9) children were encouraged to spy on and denounce their parents to their teacher.

Your businesses and homes were taken.
If you had family leave for the US, those left behind lost everything.. after all they were related to traitors.
10) Those left behind were at the mercy of family and friend if they dared to help.

Every time I hear someone say they traveled to Cuba and how beautiful it is I always ask if they traveled outside the tourist sanctioned area..
11) I bet they did not or they would have seen empty grocery stores, buildings crumbling in disrepair.
I will never visit and give money to that communist regime.

The cancel culture is scary. When I hear about someone fired, business lost due to having a difference of opinion.
12) I hear my mom say, this happened in Cuba. With one screenshot of your post, your life is ruined.

I am sad to see this country divided. It is the greatest country in the world. People risk their lives to come here.I pray everyday that we heal as a nation. God Bless the USA.
13) I took the time this morning to look at data from census. And amazed to see 63% homeownership, 2.6 people per household,88% homes with a computer, 60,000 median income, 85% still in same house> 1 year, 80% with internet, 11% poverty(and our poverty not India or Mexico)
14) 87.4 population per square me vs. India with 76,790 per square mile.. We are the richest Country in the world. If you don’t make enough money with your current salary, you can easily get a part time job. I am at a loss of why so many hate our country.
15) really setting politics aside I am so saddened by the absolute hate for our republic.
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