Why men shouldn’t Marry expired women 28+ or feminists a thread 🧵
It’s encouraged and very good for women to marry older men because Older men have wisdom and financial freedom and stability majority of the time.

Older women on the other hand are bitter, less attractive, less fertile versions of their younger selves.
Older women that encourage younger women to stay single or wait till they finish education and reach 30+ are bitter and jealous femcels, they want younger women to have the same unfortunate destiny as they did, expired and lonely😢.
Stay away from femenists with your life, They are arrogant, entitled & bitchy, all they do is whine, gripe & nag.

Majority of them are ugly, don’t cook or clean, or show any feminine traits, their main objective is to emasculate you and make you their personal slave -
to fuel their feminism filled rotten Ego that is very unhealthy because you can’t lead a woman that thinks she’s a man who considers Cooking for her man as slavery and evil -
The natural hierarchy of authority has always and will always be God > men > women > children.
Any man that’s lead by his woman is a pathetic loser and she and everyone around her will know of that, no disrespect btw.

Tell daughter not to be a feminist, and tell your son not to a weak emasculated loser.
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