what did japan do to korea?
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japan colonized korea in 1910 until 1945 through the japan korea annexation treaty. by the late 1930s japan began to mobilize for war. this began to force people to work in the factories and mines, or enlist as soldiers.
not only that but also sent tens of thousands of women from into military brothels to service japanese soldiers. the victims became known as "comfort women".
90% of comfort women did not survive harsh conditions in these brothels, being raped, having sexual diseases transmitted, and pregnancy
these women were abducted from their homes and forced to have sex with japanese soldiers. many were also abused. HOWEVER, many japanese people including historians and government officials claim that the women were willing prostitutes.
has japan apologized?
it took another 20 years before south korean President park chunghee agreed to normalize relations with the country in exchange for hundreds of millions of dollars in loans and grants.
additionally, tokyo argues that the 1965 treaty that restored diplomatic ties and provided more than $800m (£620m) in japanese financial help, has settled the matter.
so why are people still mad?
the 1965 deal did not settle all the problems related to our colonial past, and it took away citizens' individual rights to ask for reparations
more recently, the korean court ordered a japanese firm to compensate koreans it used as forced labor. they refused to comply with the court order, while two other companies had their assets seized. this angered korean citizens and many started boycotting japanese goods
korean japanese relations are strained. by yuta being a kpop idol in a korean group, it does not reflect well on the general public
this is not all the information out there and i am no historian in anyway, so pls if ur interested in learning more make sure to check out more sources and correct me if im wrong about anything
someone dropped this link!
let’s talk about dok-do.
it’s a land dispute between korea and japan. both countries claim ownership over these islands and has been disputed for over 300 years
the islands were first seized when japan colonized korea and is a part of korea. however japan claims that these islands were never a part of korea to begin with and refuse to give back the land
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