FACTS! i really dont get the point of shaming
people because of their actions. if you have a problem about them, you can dm them. and for fucks sake, give people a chance to redeem themselves. if they don't grow after you educate them, then that's on them. move on. https://twitter.com/voborgasm/status/1287376898117365761
if you're going to call out someone, do it with the purpose to educate not for the clout. and talk to them in a nice way. to hell with them if they speak badly, but if you want to educate someone you gotta do it in a nice a way for them to properly understand.
and honestly? you not moving on from other people's mistakes makes you somehow little bit problematic too. let go of that toxicity in your life. there's a mute, unfollow, block, and report option for a reason.
i know its easier said than done like somehow there's this trauma with the mistakes done by people but we're talking about stan twt's problematic fan accounts so yup hshshshahha
it's totally okay to feel offended by someone's opinions/actions though, but this thread talks about those petty little fights here in stan twt not the big issues like racism. just making my message clear. 😊
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