panphobia and why using it to mean discrimination towards pansexual is ableist.
now before you read, please understand i don't hate pansexuals, ive met pansexuals that are nice, but it has come to my attention to make this thread because ive noticed so many people are using panphobia incorrectly. So i will be educating you! please be respectful, thank you.
1. what is panphobia?
the original definition of panphobia is fearing of everything. It is something people struggle a lot and panphobia is NOT cool!
2. what is NOT panphobia
the definition of panphobia is NOT descrimination of pansexuals. It is ableist in nature to think that way.
3. is it okay if i was just uneducated?
yes! its okay, you just didnt know, its a common misconception ive seen. please dont make this mistake again!
4. what can i say instead of panphobia if i meant discrimination towards pansexual
for example... instead of saying "you're being very panphobic!" say "you're being very discriminative towards pansexuals!"
5. this is the end of the thread, thank you for reading and i hope i educated you on this. i hope you all have a nice day!
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