Think I’ll start my own movement.
Join me fellow women lovers of all shapes sizes and genders!
Apparently my movement died before it got started.
I blame Twitter.
Reckon I’ll go riot amongst the trees now at the unfairness of the world not appreciating beautiful ladies.
Id burn a building but the only ones within a mile are mine and Id have to fix them.
So no
Maybe I should go stand in my dirt road with a rifle until folks realize just how gorgeous women are.
But then Id have to deep clean it because dust.
Breaking: Jumped in front of a neighbor who was bringing me a package that UPS wont deliver to my home. Successfully prevented him for going to my house or delivering my package to me!
He did look at me wildly so he must not think all women are hawt.
Threw a “firecracker” at a nearby tree while chanting “All women are hawt!”
Tree said nothing but did drop a big ass branch on my head
Facist tree!
Tore down nearby fence! Freedom for all the hawt women!
Now have to spend next 4 hours rounding up my own horses.
And fix the fence.
That didnt go as planned.
Threw a smoke bomb and walked start naked through my yard in act of protest, solidarity in a Adonis moment for all the hawt women.
Got ticks where you shouldnt and my horses laughed.
Maybe I need to rethink this protest.
Dressed in all black BDUs with a pro-mask and went in my pasture to shout, yell and protest
Succefully collpased from heat exhaustion.
All women are hawt but this sucks.
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