This thread is telling because it explains how people who ‘believed’ in @ImranKhanPTI rationalized how he came to power and how his administration has been performing. It also rationalizes the Army’s role, sanitizing their interference in the guise of the savior thesis.
But as students of history, how can one conclude that the Army trusted Khan to “clean things up.” The military are by nature institutionalists: they will always view their institution as supreme over civil/human rights, econ dev, social welfare. It’s the nature of the beast.
The goal is never to clean things up. It’s always self-preservation. And how can you expect otherwise? They’re unelected security institutions-they neither have the education, training, or mandate to serve politically.
And by observing @ImranKhanPTI closely, he never gave me any policy reason to support him - because he has flip-flopped constantly. His one consistent vision though was a corruption-free Pakistan, which obv lost all credibility once JKT and the ilk joined.
And studying his cricket years and early political career, how he organized PTI indicates how he’s not pluralistic, democratic or politically curious.
So no, Khan was not “done” later in his administration. He never had it in him. And the circumstances in which we “came to power” furthered ensured that he would rule with his arms tied behind his back.

That will be legacy and it’s neither disappointing or surprising to many.
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