there is the part of the ocean Called the “challenger zone” beneath the abyss zone that has lakes, rivers, trees and mountains, with its own rays of light. Scientists are beginning to assume that for everything on land there is a replica in the sea. Including humanoid beings.
In every book I’ve read, religious and non religious they always make references to beings coming from the sea, even in the bible it says the beast will come from the sea. God of the bible warned that - when he threw Satan & his angels from heaven,that some fell in the land & sea
If you think about earth is 70% water, and it’s steadily increasing. We are on a water planet. It would make more sense for mermaids to exist than otherwise. The ocean is also older than the earth. Water itself is older than the sun.
I definitely think there is something in the sea. In Congo (where I’m from) there are so many stories of Mami Watts (mermaids) coming for people and taking people. Same in the Caribbean, Asian & even some parts of Europe. Till this day people still see them.
I heard the government hides their existence in an effort not to cause panic. But we need to invest more in investigating our oceans. At this point we know more about the surface of the moon then what’s in the ocean.
when I studied theology, demonology, geometry & physics. I discovered waters holds & conducts energy, when harnessed it can even transfer it. All the deaths that have happened in the in water in the energy remains there
That’s what there are so many haunted rivers & lakes across the world. When people are rescued (even when they are good swimmers) the story is usually similar , they feel as though something was pulling them & dragging them down to drown
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