@IanAustin1965 is #Ableist and has approximately 15 hours left of his allotted time. So far I hear absolute silence. Perhaps an underclass disabled person isn't important enough to respond to?

@tribunemagazine @TheCanaryUK @M_Star_Online https://twitter.com/TheDryhtscipe/status/1287220480982867968
He was active as little as 11 minutes ago and I have now quotetweeted this into that latest activity.

If he doesn't respond, I think we all know where he stands on hate.
Instead of responding, he has retweeted a tweet containing the phrase "hard of thinking".

Absolutely disgraceful behaviour. Please, retweet all of the above.
He has now responded. I am engaging with him and will add to this thread accordingly. Currently, he appears to be claiming that he believed the tweet said "hard of hearing". However, he has also defended use of the word "st*p*d", which is an ableist slur.
You can follow @TheDryhtscipe.
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